Image for COVID Skin Manifestions and Solutions
APAN Position Statement and Training Document

COVID Skin Manifestions and Solutions

COVID SKIN MANIFESTATIONS AND SOLUTIONS is both a Position Statement and a Training Manual developed as a best practice document to updating practitioners and business owners to support businesses on moving forward with latest evidence based in formation on COVID-19 infections.

Studies confirm over 100 persistent skin manifestations due to COVID-19 infections and COVID Long Haul.

Over the past three months APAN has worked extensively in consultation with several academics, reviewing the very latest research findings and updates on both COVID related skin manifestation as well as treatment recommendations and solutions as this information comes to hand.

This document is a “one-of-a-kind” 68-page manual
consisting of two sections

Section 1: Cutaneous Manifestations Impacted by COVID-19

This section covers the various categories of skin disorder and provides some permitted images to assist in identifying them, their symptoms, and what impact they have of various organs.  The objective of this section is to assist you in recognising them as these manifestations may occur prior to a diagnosed infection, during an infection and they can also manifest months after someone is totally clear of the infection.  We also present the latest literature on how the body is impacted and what organs may be compromise contributing to fatigue, brain fog and numerous other symptoms due to COVID long haul.


In this section we review the literature to determine treatment options that have been deemed valuable to support your clients’ recovery. It covers various treatment modalities and the underlying causes contributing to the various conditions. Treatment modalities and protocols that are recommended have proven benefits and include diet and lifestyle recommendations.

Why You Need This Document

Moving forward to the next phase of the pandemic practitioners and business owners are now confronted with new skin and health challenges.  It is imperative that they gain credible, evidence-based information of how to identify the various manifestations and how to address them.

All APAN MEMBERS are required to review this document and use it as a guide as a matter of best practice.

This document is copyright protected as some of the information has been given to us by permission for our use only. It will be made available to members for their personal use and for training their immediate staff. This document is not permitted to be given to a third party.

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If you are not a member you can purchase the program for $400.

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